Discover the D: Hometown Tourist Day a success

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Karin Risko, City Tour Detroit founder, and Pat Mischel, City Tour Detroit recruiting director/guide

We were excited to use the May 6 Discover the D: Hometown Tourist Day sponsored by Visit Detroit (DMCVB) to unveil our new name City Tour Detroit and launch our 2016 tour season. We weren’t disappointed.

The weather was beautiful and thousands of people passed by over 30 booths set up at Campus Martius. It was non-stop talking for 3.5 hours. We  had the opportunity to chat with previous customers and other tourism colleagues.
We also met so many new people who showed us much love. Several commented on how classy our logo is. We think so too! Others were excited about out tour offerings and said they had no idea a company like us was out there. Small to large business owners and coordinators for meet up groups thought our tours would make great team-building and group excursions. We wholeheartedly agree!
Detroit Sports Commissioner with Les and Seth Gold, owners of American Jewelry and Loan and stars of the TruTV show Hardcore Pawn.

There were even a few celeb sightings. TruTV Hardcore Pawn stars Les and Seth Gold, owners of American Jewelry and Loan, were there signing autographs and posing with fans. We’ve heard through the grapevine that these guys are extremely fan-friendly and yesterday, they lived up to their reputation.

Jason Hall  of Slow Roll fame who starred in the Apple commercial which featured him using a tablet to coordinate Slow Roll rides. He’s with Suzette Daye of Trumbull and Porter Hotel, Karin Risko and Pat Mischel with City Tour Detroit.

Jason Hall, president of Slow Roll which has become a national phenomena, was also sighted early in the day. Sports mascots and The Parade Company’s giant paper mache heads made the rounds.

If you attended yesterday’s event, it was great chatting with you and we hope to see you on a tour soon. If you didn’t attend, no need to miss out on the excitement. Check out our public tour offerings online at City Tour Detroit. 
Just a reminder. Hometown History Tours is now City Tour Detroit! New name, but same commitment to quality. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter! 

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