Hometown History Tours presents Civil War guidebook to Senator Stabenow

Senator Debbie Stabenow speaking at Grosse Ile women's history month celebration

United States Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan was the featured speaker at last Sunday’s Women History Celebration hosted by the Grosse Ile Women’s History Committee and the Downriver Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). The afternoon event was held at Grosse Ile’s historic St. James Church.

Senator Stabenow, Michigan’s first female United States senator, spoke on the evolving role of women in American politics, the historic struggles for equality, and the intent to undermine many of these landmark achievements today.

Grosse Ile’s First Lady Ann Loftus told me Senator Stabenow is the first “sitting” senator to speak at a township event.

Karin Risko gets ready to present Senator Stabenow with copy of Michigan Sites Significant to the Civil War

Since the governor and senators from Michigan played pivotal roles during the Civil War, David Ingall and I thought we should give our Civil War sesquicentennial governor and senators a copy of our new state travel guide: Glory, Valor & Sacrifice: Michigan Sites Significant to the Civil War.

Grosse Ile Trustee Pamela Frucci (l) and Senator Debbie Stabenow review guidebook Michigan Sites Significant to the Civil War presented by co-author Karin Risko

I thought this event would be the perfect opportunity to personally present Senator Stabenow with our historic travel guide. Dave and I are working on finding the perfect opportunities to personally present copies to both Governor Rick Snyder and Senator Carl Levin.

Thank you to Grosse Ile Women’s History Committee member Irene Will for providing these photos.

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